Holding Onto the Promises of God

If you've sampled from the vast menu of sermons and other Christian media which are widespread, you've likely heard the phrase, "Promises of God", which often refers to the bastion of best life intents and scenarios which indicates God's blessin: A spouse, a good career, influence, wealth, ministry, etc. God is very much able to... Continue Reading →

Fruit of the Spirit

If you grew up in Vabcation Bible School or attended Sunday school regularly as a child, chance are, you probably sat through a lesson about bearing the "fruits of the Spirit", in which you were asked to color and cut out cute little images of apples, pears, and oranges.  Even if you did not have... Continue Reading →

Shedding skins, shedding friends

It seems that the key to going forward or moving up, or making strides in some positive direction requires the applications of a universal law: That in order to grab hold to something new and better, another lesser thing must be let go. If you can learn this lesson early on, you will find smoother... Continue Reading →

When you become a leader…

After reading 1 Chronicles 29 I was impressed with the leadership lessons that can be applied to our lives today. Students, if you really want to lead and make a difference in this world, there are some things that you will have to go through, some character traits that you will have develop that others... Continue Reading →

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